RC car adventures, repairs and build progress all in one place.

I have been enjoying this hobby for close to 4 years now and the only regret I have about it is that I did not start it sooner. I am now retired and have all the time in the world to enjoy my hobby, both out on the trail and in my tiny workshop. I spend hours repairing and rebuilding my cars, building new ones and also work on my scale garage. I flew quadcopters for a couple of years but after I lost one. I had a second one fall out of the sky from about 100 feet up only to land 20 feet from where I was standing. It landed in a neat pile of parts. That was followed by a 3rd quadcopter that fell only from 10 feet and did enough damage to make me stop flying. This is how I came to drive these crawlers. I owned a 1:1 offroad vehicle before all this but at my age, I find these more manageable. You can follow me on Facebook / Instagram / Google+ / YouTube 

(Posted 30th March 2018)

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